
A massive thank you to our partners in helping to make Run Wytham Woods a success, our aim is to make this an event for the community and raise well needed funds for Eynsham community primary school PTA, registered charity 289726.

We are very grateful to Siemens Healthineers for their generous sponsorship, to the fantastic team at Wytham Woods for hosting the event and to the amazing parents, teachers, children and friends of Eynsham community primary school for helping to make “Run Wytham Woods” a celebration of what a community can do, and to Alison at Chicken Run studios for her amazing handmade ceramic medals, thank you all



We take enormous pride in developing truly innovative technology. Over 30% of MRI hospital scanners worldwide have a superconducting magnet manufactured in Eynsham by Siemens Healthineers Magnet Technology... more


School partners page.png

EYNSHAM community


A vibrant primary school serving the village of Eynsham and surrounds. We are proud of our standing as a Community school, putting ourselves at the centre of the village and encouraging the children to see themselves as part of the world community… more


Chicken Run Studio

Thank you to Alison for creating the wonderful ceramic medals for RunWythamWoods, see more


Our wonderful professional, caring and brilliant medical team, see more